News and Events
Russian and Ukrainian Project for Electrification of Fuelling Stations
Russian company Melston Engineering and Ukrainian company E-Line signed a reciprocal convention on the electric fuelling infrastructure development within the territory of the Russian Federation.
Our project's been named the best
Melston’s project of Automation Management System won the nomination “The most interesting for CIOs project” in “The Best IT-solutions of 2016” contest.
New Year's marathon
How to celebrate the New Year within the circle of company workers so that everything would go interesting and with no boredom? The answer is simple: the better way is to turn the corporate event into the family party.
Goals and values
The mission of Melston Engineering is to render comprehensive assistance to the domestic federal retail networks in the course of rebranding aimed to create a customer-oriented image and enhance the loyalty of potential customers.
The company aims at the achievement, within 5 years, of the leading position on the Russian commercial engineering market to enter the world service market. In this view, we are planning to develop the following business areas:
- Integrated engineering services, including:
- consultancy engineering (design of facilities, development of construction and follow-up plans);
- technical engineering (selection and ensuring the use of technologies as required for the construction and operation of facilities);
- construction engineering (performance of works that involve construction of facilities, including the delivery and installation of equipment, acceptance tests, and commissioning the facility).
- Participation in the creation of the market of specialized services associated with management of federal retail network rebranding projects, which is new to the Russian business.
- Appraisal of best practices in the area of comprehensive engineering under domestic conditions and application of the western solutions in the light of specific features of the Russian business.
- Consolidation of partnership with major engineering companies of Europe, America and Asia, involvement of foreign engineers and designers in cooperation.
- Development of own servicing base represented by Melston-Service to minimize customers’ costs for warranty and post-warranty servicing of the equipment procured.
Our work is performed in line with the following values:
- business novelties;
- continuous development of the company;
- extension of the range of our services, ensuring compliance of our services with the strictest standards;
- high corporate spirit and effective teamwork of engineers, architects, environmentalists, designers, developers, assemblers and other experts to fully meet the customer’s needs;
- effective use of information and communication technologies;
- mutually beneficial partnership not only with major customers, but also with medium and small business representatives;
- unconditional compliance with the Russian and international laws;
- absolute rejection of corruption and bribery when dealing with partners and customers.