
Digits and facts

In 2009 we started the prossess of "Gazprom Neft" gas stations network rebranding

In total we've launched nearly 1800 modernized gas stations.


559 Stations by 2010

1123Stations by 2011

1435Stations by 2012

1655Stations by 2013

1799Stations by 2014

All the works were accomplished in time. The renewed stations were successfully launched into commercial exploitation.

News and Events

  • Russian and Ukrainian Project for Electrification of Fuelling Stations

    Russian company Melston Engineering and Ukrainian company E-Line signed a reciprocal convention on the electric fuelling infrastructure development within the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • Our project's been named the best

    Melston’s project of Automation Management System won the nomination “The most interesting for CIOs project” in “The Best IT-solutions of 2016” contest.

  • New Year's marathon

    How to celebrate the New Year within the circle of company workers so that everything would go interesting and with no boredom? The answer is simple: the better way is to turn the corporate event into the family party.

More events

Rebranding Project
Gazprom Neft petrol station

Today, Gazprom Neft petrol station rebranding project is the least expensive as compared with other similar projects on the Russian market. The work scheme is very simple.

The work scheme

  • All of the petrol stations conform to the same standard, which ensures high quality of assembly work and uninterrupted operation of petrol sta-tions irrespective of the distance from the center and any local specific features of the region in which this or that station is located.
  • Each facility has been torn down into «industrial kits», which simplifies the continuous monitoring of vendors' offers and enables to choose the best offers in terms of price-quality relationship.
  • The existing monitoring system allows for on-line tracking of the facilities' status by the customer and making the required changes during precom-missioning phase.
  • The company’s engineering center tracks the de-velopment of new technologies and promptly im-plements up to 3 innovations per industrial kit during a year (during a year, we implement at least 3 innovations in each type of industrial kit).